Tina Crossley
Christian Based Youth Worker
Christian Youth Support
We are very fortunate to have a dedicated Christian Youth Support team within the academy. Lead by Christian Based Youth Worker, Tina Crossley, children are able to access additional youth support that enhances their spiritual and mental wellbeing.
BELIEVE at BSCA: Our Ethos Group, made up of primary children and staff, is central to our work in school. The Primary Ethos Group leads a number of assemblies and demonstrates courageous advocacy throughout the year.
Recently they have taken part in a Zoom call with other schools from across the country, looking at how children can lead on collective worship in their schools. They came up with some fantastic ideas, and we are looking forward to rolling them out in Primary at BSCA.
For example, at the Harvest assembly, children are tasked with writing prayers that they read out at Christ Church, Harwood. They do this using the ‘teaspoon – TSP’ method of writing prayers; Thank you for … Sorry for … Please help us with …
When using the term 'courageous advocacy', we are referring to the act of speaking out against an issue of injustice, often on behalf of those whose voice is not heard.
Come back to this page to see some examples of courageous advocacy as our children lead this and take it forward.