Extra-Curricular Activities
To enrich the broad curriculum taught, we offer a wide variety of valuable experiences for your child:
We offer these extra-curricular activities to allow your child to pursue their own particular interests, become more confident and learn valuable social skills e.g. team work. These include: Choir, Art Club, Homework Club, Reading Cafe, Dance, Puzzles and Games Club, Sports Skills Club, Science Club, Times Table Rockstars, Computer Club, Brass and Nature Club. Click here to see the club timetable.
The school has Football, Tchoukball, Handball, Futsall, Gaelic Football, Tag Rugby and Floorball teams that participate in competitive tournaments with local schools.
Here are a list of our Sports Competitions - Primary Sports Competitions - 2017
Our successful school choir has fun learning songs throughout the school year and takes part in the annual Bolton Music Festival, as well as singing in the local community throughout the year. We seek to develop commitment as well as musical ability through this club.
Drama & Entertainment
Throughout the year there are opportunities for children to be involved in drama and entertainments, where they can learn many important skills. We have many visiting theatre productions, artists, poets and writers.
Trips, Educational Visits, School Holidays
Throughout the year children are invited on educational visits to, for example:
Nature trails, industrial centres, science museums, art galleries and religious buildings.
Alongside trips out of school we also arrange for visitors to come into school, for example:
Theatre experiences, farm animals and aquariums.
These visits and in-school experiences are to support work that is being carried out in class
Older children are given the opportunity to go away on adventure excursions. Year 6 go on a 3 night residential, Year 5 go on an overnight residential and year 4 go on a one day multi activity adventure day.
Book Sharing
We encourage children to 'share' books with younger and older children in organised sessions to help promote the love of books- the children can attend our Reading Café during lunchtimes throughout the week. Reading volunteers and specific library sessions support the use of books as sources of pleasure and information.