Meals and Snacks
Food provided throughout the day in the Academy meets the Governments nutritional guidelines and within the curriculum all young people learn about balanced nutrition and techniques and methods to produce healthy meals.
Morning Break – 10.45am – 11.00am
Students can purchase a variety of snacks for example; cereal bars, fruit, yoghurts and drinks.
These are available in the student bubbles each day.
Lunch – 1.00pm – 2.00pm (2 sittings)
We have on offer daily:
- paninis
- sandwiches
- soup of the day
- salad
- specials daily snack i.e. burger, pasta pot, baguettes, wraps, pizzas
- fruit pots, yoghurts, biscuits and a variety of cakes
- Variety of drinks
We offer a daily meal deal that costs £2.50 for 3 items i.e. main, dessert and a drink.
We do not provide -
- drinks with added sugar, crisps, chocolate or sweets in school meals or vending machines
- more than 2 portions of deep-fried, battered or breaded food a week
This is all part of our health promotion as well as recognising that ‘good nutrition helps learning’.
Allergy Information
If you know of any specific ingredients and products that may cause your child to have allergenic reactions, please inform the catering team who will advise them of product content and specific allergens with our dishes.
Cashless Catering
We are a cashless school and all payments for school meals must be made this way.
The restaurant system uses biometric technology. By taking a fingerprint image, a student’s account can be created as an alpha-numeric code and accessed by them using a finger at a till or at a balance checker. The alpha-numeric information that is stored cannot be used to recreate an image of the student’s fingerprint so that fingerprint images cannot be used by any other source for identification purposes.
This system is beneficial because it prevents the loss and misspending of school dinner money, promotes healthy eating and the process of paying for school meals is more convenient.
We would be grateful if you would complete the relevant permission sheet within your pack giving authorisation for your child’s fingerprint image and photograph to be taken in school for use with the cashless system.
Free School Meals
Bolton Council has a duty to provide free schools meals, which comply with national nutritional standards, to eligible students. The Council also has a scheme to help families buy essential school clothing.
You can get free school meals and school clothing allowance if your child attends a local authority maintained school (not private) and you receive one of the following:
- Income Support
- Jobseeker's Allowance Income based
- Employment Support Allowance Income related
- Support under the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
- Guaranteed Pension Credit
- Child Tax Credit - as long as your letter shows you have an income of less than £16,190 and do not get Working Tax Credit
- Universal Credit - your earned income must be less than £7,400 a year
If your child gets free school meals they may continue until March 2023.
To apply, click here -
Universal free school meals
Every child in reception, year one and year two can get a universal free school meal.
School uniforms
To be eligible for school clothing allowance the child must be in Year 7 or 9.
You do not need to make a separate claim for free school meals or school clothing allowance if you are already in receipt or have applied for housing benefit or help with your council tax. We will use the information and evidence you have already provided to confirm your entitlement to free school meals and school clothing allowance.
To apply, click here -