Routines and Essential Equipment
RISE time and Morning Routines
RISE allows BSCA to:
- Recognise student success from the previous day or week.
BSCA has a variety of ways of acknowledging student success that are both extrinsic and intrinsic in motivation. Each day, staff give recognition to students who have demonstrated the Academy values or desired learning behaviours in an exceptional way following the below format:
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
These recognitions are shared during RISE each day and year groups show their appreciation with a count of two clap.
- Inspire students for the day’s events.
The purpose of the strategy is to give students a consistent and positive start to every day through a safe and trusting environment and sets the expectations of the day for all aspects of BSCA life.
- Support all aspects of learning.
Each day there will be a different academic focus. Students will participate in a variety of retrieval and recall practice strategies to develop and enhance their subject knowledge and information in Literacy, Numeracy, Science and Knowledge Organisers.
- Engage students in the right work ethic by separating social and work climate.
Retrieval and recall activities allow BSCA to set the expectations of a positive learning environment. The formal dismissal practice allows BSCA to demonstrate expectations of corridor/transition behaviour.
RISE time is where students pick up their morning register mark. To make this an efficient system, students should be sat in register form order in the following areas:
- Year 7 & 8 in the school sports hall
- Year 9 & 10 in the school restaurant
- Year 11 in the school assembly hall
Achieving your Excellence |
RISE KS3 lead |
H Jones |
S Butler |
H Jones (Knowledge organisers) |
H Jones |
S Butler (Belonging) |
KS3 curriculum lead |
N Williams (Literacy) |
D Wride (Science) |
R Murphy (Maths) |
RISE KS4 lead |
B Ward |
J Whittaker |
J Whittaker |
J Whittaker (Knowledge organisers)
J Whittaker (Belonging) |
KS4 curriculum lead |
D Wride (Science) |
N Williams (Literacy) |
R Murphy (Maths) |
RISE Y11 lead |
D Williams |
C Platt (Knowledge organisers)
C Platt |
D Williams |
D Williams (Belonging) |
Y11 curriculum lead |
R Murphy (Maths) |
N Williams (Literacy) |
D Wride (Science) |
(WEEK A) |
Dept briefing: Maths Humanities PE |
Dept briefing: Science Tech |
Dept briefing: Engllish
Deliberate practice: Creative/ Mfl |
Staff briefing |
(WEEK B) |
Deliberate practice: Maths Humanities& PE |
Deliberate practice: Science & Tech
Dept briefing: Creative/ Mfl
Deliberate practice: English
Presenters - There will be two presenters at each RISE time.
- The SLT or KSL member will be lead RISE time scripts from 08:15 – 08:32 and ensure there is a quality audience in the respective environment and students are ready to demonstrate their excellence. This presenter will also close each RISE session with the recognitions and dismissal practice.
- Learning Curriculum Lead will lead their respective RISE from 08:32-08:40. This will involve delivering the recall/retrieval practice and allowing the students time to self-mark and make corrections to their work. Having a subject specialist deliver this section will allow the students to make more progress in their learning.
SLT/ KSL will use the time from 08:35 – 08:40 to ensure all staff who should be in RISE are attending and following their specific roles and responsibilities
Pastoral teams
- Heads of Year should be in place in RISE time at the start of their working day at 08:15. They will help promote a positive learning atmosphere in the room by ensuring students are transitioning calmly to their area/designated seat and getting their RISE planners and basic equipment ready to achieve their excellence.
- Heads of Year will have the responsibility to ensure registers are accurately being taken.
- During dismissal, Heads of Year will check students for uniform and appearance. Any students not meeting the standards and expectations should be asked to remain behind.
Staff should attend the RISE where their first teaching group of the day are. If they are not on department briefing or deliberate practice they should arrive at RISE no later than the start of their working day at 08:35. In each RISE, staff will be allocated a group to check the following:
- RISE engagement – making sure the students are quiet and on task
- Basic work ready for RISE including RISE planner and pen
Staff should lead their teaching group with pace and purpose through the academy to the learning environment.
Week A RISE |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
Monday |
S Chester J Bennett N Crowther M Fairclough L Lewis S Schofield A Leonard |
M Adam S Butler Z Chandia J Stapely B Parvitt O Ameh
T O’Brien E Belt S Melling S Durham A Kirkman L Chadwick M Choudhury S Vale |
D Bray C Long N Williams T Stubbs S Kayani A Lane G Haylett S Gibson |
R Robinson L Castille D Thomas D Williams C Radford M Chester |
Tuesday |
D Wride O Ameh J Stapely S Melling A Kirkman T Stubbs L Platt
S Kayani S Garrigan C Long M Fairclough S Vale D Thomas
B Ward G Haylett M Adam Z Chandia T O’Brien B Pavitt S Davies
G Hough E Goulding M Choudhury S Chester S Durham N Crowther C Radford D Williams |
N Williams H Jones D Bray L Holtzman R Murphy S Butler A Lane |
Wednesday |
D Wride O Ameh J Stapely D Bray S Kayani N Williams A Leonard |
S Chester S Gibson M Fairclough S Melling L Platt M Choudhury T Stubbs |
A Lane G Haylett M Adam Z Chandia L Holtzman M Chester S Garrigan |
G Hough E Belt A Kirkman E Golding L Chadwick C Platt S Vale |
N Lane S Davies D Thomas D Williams C Radford I Rashid |
Thursday |
Z Chandia M Adam A Lane T Stubbs L Clemmett L Platt A Kirkman |
N Crowther D Thomas L Chadwick D Williams G Hough S Schofield
B Ward O Ameh J Stapely B Pavitt S Kayani L Holtzman S Garrigan |
S Melling E Belt E Golding N Lane S Durham M Choudhury C Lowe |
G Haylett R Murphy S Gibson C Gladwin H Jones N Williams M Chester |
Friday |
M Fairclough M Choudhury C Waters J Bennett S Vale N Crowther A Leonard |
L Platt A Kirkman S Melling E Golding C Gladwin Z Chandia M Adam |
C Long T Stubbs D Bray S Kayani J Stapely B Pavitt O Ameh |
D Wride N Lane S Davies T O’Brien A Lane G Haylett R Murphy |
S Rushton C Radford C Lowe J Whittaker H Jones N Williams M Chester |
Week B RISE |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
Monday |
D Wride O Ameh J Stapely S Melling A Kirkman E Belt L Platt |
M Adam S Butler Z Chandia L Chadwick L Lewis D Thomas |
C Long T Stubbs D Bray S Kayani T O’Brien B Pavitt S Davies
G Hough E Golding M Choudhury S Chester S Durham N Crowther C Radford D Williams |
G Haylett R Murphy S Gibson C Gladwin H Jones N Williams M Chester |
Tuesday |
L Clemmett T Stubbs S Melling A Kirkman S Chester L Castille J Bennett A Leonard |
S Rushton J Murray J Stapely L Chadwick S Vale S Schofield
A Lane G Haylett M Adam Z Chandia S Butler S Gibson C Gladwin |
D Wride N Lane S Davies T O’Brien M Chester L Holtzman C Long |
M Choudhury D Thomas R Robinson D Williams G Hough L Lewis
Wednesday |
Z Chandia M Adam A Lane S Chester L Castille G Hough S Schofield |
J Stapely B Parvitt O Ameh T Stubbs C Long S Garrigan A Leonard |
R Robinson J Bennett D Thomas S Vale L Chadwick C Radford C Murphy |
S Melling E Belt E Golding N Lane S Durham M Choudhury C Lowe |
G Haylett R Murphy S Gibson C Gladwin H Jones N Williams M Chester |
Thursday |
L Holtzman C Long D Bray S Chester L Castille L Chadwick A Leonard |
S Rushton J Murray J Stapely D Wride B Pavitt T O’Brien
R Robinson J Bennett D Thomas S Vale I Rashid C Radford C Murphy |
S Melling E Belt E Golding N Lane S Durham M Choudhury C Lowe |
G Haylett R Murphy S Gibson C Gladwin H Jones N Williams M Chester |
Friday |
M Chester C Long D Bray C Waters J Bennett N Crowther A Leonard
S Kayani S Garrigan T Stubbs J Stapely B Parvitt O Ameh |
T O’Brien E Belt S Melling S Durham A Kirkman L Chadwick M Choudhury S Vale |
M Adam G Haylett C Gladwin Z Chandia S Rushton C Lowe
N Lane S Davies D Thomas D Williams C Radford I Rashid
*BOLD - The bold font highlights that staff are involved either in deliberate practice/ department briefing or presenting at RISE. This means they will arrive at RISE in time for dismissal to transition their teaching group to their learning environment. As stated above all other staff are expected to be in attendance at RISE from 08:35 promptly.
Morning routines
JHW to produce and distribute to SLT/ Pastoral each morning an overview of:
- Students attending alternative schools
- Students attending alternative provision
- Students on a fixed term suspension
- Updated uniform infringement list/ married up to standards checker
- Other relevant issues eg. Staff absence etc..
08:15 – 08:28
CHECK POINT 1 (between level 5 gates and concrete steps)
Staffed by Assistant Heads of Year 7/9/10. Assistant Heads of Year at check point 1 will be checking all students not just students in their year group.
CHECK POINT 2 (Level 5 gates)
Staffed by R Lucas & D Rostron.
CHECK POINT 3 for years 7&8 only (Level 4 PE entrance). Tables across corridor to Level 4 and stairs to level 5
CHECK POINT 4 for years 9&10&11 (Level 3 Entrance). Tables across entrance.
The primary focus at check points 1-4 is school uniform due to the large numbers of students entering school eg.
- Shoes not trainers
- No coats/hoodies
- Ties and blazers
CHECK POINT 5 RISE venue – final uniform check at 08:45 by pastoral leaders
At the final check point, the Head of Year will stand at the threshold of the learning environment and conduct final uniform and appearance checks. The various check points before school and the final check on dismissal from RISE are to ensure all students are meeting the appearance and uniform standards of the academy.
The non-negotiables are:
- Shoes not trainers
- No coats/hoodies
- No unnatural lashes/ false nails or nail polish
- One stud earring per lobe
- Ties and blazers
Prior to entering the school building first thing in the morning, students can remove their coats/ hoodies without them being confiscated.
Level 5 PE changing rooms – Students who are not dressed appropriately and not meeting BSCA expectations will have the opportunity to correct their uniform and appearance so they can demonstrate their excellence before entering the school building.
Assistant heads of Year will escort students into the level 5 changing rooms. This is where BSCA uniform supplies will be kept to support students. If the issue is resolved before 08:28 students can attend RISE, if not they will be marked as late and kept in this area until the end of RISE.
What should happen if a student is in breach of appearance and uniform standards:
Issue |
Action & Consequence. |
Shoes not trainers
No coats
False lashes
One stud ear ring per lobe
Rings |
Ties and blazers
- If there is a breach of uniform and appearance, the students care card should be signed and the recording sheet completed for purpose of standards checker update.
- It remains the responsibility of the form tutor, as first point of contact to follow up and resolve issues.
RISE Student Planners
The planner is an effective tool of communication between school and home. It is a perfect way to know what is happening at school and become greater involved in your child’s education.
The ministry of education recognises that students are more likely to be motivated, to earn higher grades and to have better behaviour and social skills if their parents are actively engaged in supporting their success at school. Regularly checking the planner on a weekly basis is one great strategy.
How to use the planner |
Form Tutors
This year's Student Planner front cover competition winner was Megason Cavanaugh - we can't wait to see our students using the new planner around school with Meg's design:
Essential daily equipment
Mobile Phones
Students can have their phones in their bags but not in their blazers or on their person. As soon as students enter the school grounds in the morning, their phones are not to be seen or heard until they leave the grounds at the end of their school day, which may be after after-school clubs or clinics.
Failure to comply, will result in the following:
First offence - the phone will be confiscated until the end of the day, and kept secure in the main office and collected by the student.
Second offence - the phone will be confiscated until the end of the day and CAN ONLY BE COLLECTED BY PARENT/CARER.
Subsequent offences - will be deemed as persistent defiant behaviour: referral to the Support Centre and then exclusion.
Refusal to hand in their mobile phones when requested - will be dealt with as we do with any defiant behaviour: referral to the Support Centre and then exclusion.
We feel this protocol will provide peace of mind that your child has their mobile phone with them to and from school. If you need to contact your child in school for an emergency then ringing through to the main reception means we can ask a member of staff to go and collect them to give a message or speak to you on the phone.