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Bolton St Catherine's Academy

Bolton St Catherine's Academy

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

At Bolton St Catherine's Academy we are committed to providing high quality, inclusive teaching for all pupils, including those with additional needs and/or SEND. Our universal offer (wave 1) meets the needs of most learners. However, we recognise some students need support that is ‘additional to and different from’ this universal offer, as outlined in the SEND Code of Practice (2014). Our assess-plan-do-review-cycles facilitate the identification of pupils with additional learning and support needs, allowing us to provide appropriate pupil-centred provision.

Where appropriate, parents and carers may make a request for an EHCP. We recommend reading the guidance relating to Bolton’s local offer before doing so. Guidance can be found here: EHCP Assessment – SEND Local Offer (

 We offer tailored support linked to the four broad areas of need outlined in the SEND Code of practice (2014), as shown in the diagram below. The support we offer links directly to advice and guidance outlined in Bolton’s SEND handbook (linked here: the-send-handbook (


We use a graduated approach to respond to additional and SEND needs at Bolton St Catherine’s by applying the waves of intervention model. 

Wave 1: Universal offer Quality first, inclusive teaching approaches used to promote progress for all pupils. 

Wave 2: Small group/1:1 interventions aimed at students making less than expected progress within the universal offer. Interventions are time limited and designed to assist learners who can be expected to ‘catch up’ with their peers. Pupils are identified through assess, plan, do, review cycles. Wave 2 interventions are accessed through internal referral processes.

Wave 3:  External agency involvement Individual, specific and targeted support for long term assisted learners identified as requiring specialised provision. Accessed through Bolton’s Early Help Assessment process.

Please see sections below to access specific information about the graduated approach and SEND support for each school phase:  

Primary Phase including Early Years Foundation Stage

 Our primary SENDCO is Mrs Janine Watson

All queries should be addressed via email to:

Or call on: 01204 332533

The local offer of services for children with Special Educational Needs or Disability in Bolton can be found by clicking on the link below.

Home – SEND Local Offer (


We understand that if you believe your child may have Special Educational Needs or a disability you will have many questions that you need answers to.

Questions such as;

  • What type of SEND provision is made throughout school?
  • What is the school policy for the identification of need? How does the school assess whether a child has SEND?
  • What is the school ethos and approach to SEND? 
  • How does the school adapt the curriculum and school environment for its pupils?
  • What can a parent do if they have concerns?
  • What external specialist services are accessed by school to meet the needs of pupils and support their families?
  • Who outside of school can I turn to for advice and support?
  • How does the school support pupils with SEND during transition?

Answers to all these questions can be found in our school policy for SEND & inclusion.

By law we must publish a SEND information report on our school’s policy for pupils with SEND.

The report must comply with: section 69(2) of the Children and Families Act 2014, regulation 5 and schedule of the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014

Click on the link below to access our SEND Information Report which outlines our SEND policy.



Quick links below for sections of the SEND Information Report for primary:

send pathway at bsca primary.pdf

BSCA Waves of Intervention EYFS__Key_Stage_1___2_-_Waves_of_intervention.pdf (

Secondary Phase

 Secondary phase SEND Provision: The Meadows

The SENDCo – Mrs Sarah Schofield - leads a team of skilled professionals that are committed to providing pupil-centred support for students with Education, Health and Care plans (EHCPs) and additional needs. The Meadows team work alongside school staff and outside agencies to ensure students’ individual needs are met both inside and outside the classroom. The Meadows waves of intervention model can be found here in the The Meadows: SEND Waves of Intervention document. The referral process for wave 2 interventions can be found here in the SEND - Wave 2 Referral Process document.

Classroom Support Team

The classroom support team are deployed across the school to support our highest need pupils in lessons. They work closely with teachers to support students’ learning and academic progress. The team meet regularly to discuss appropriate support models; individual pupil needs and to review current research in the field of SEND support. The team contribute to the writing of individual pupil ‘pen portraits’ which are shared with teaching staff to support teachers in making the necessary adaptions and reasonable adjustments in curriculum areas. The team are ELKLAN and Team Teach trained.

Intervention Team

Our intervention team consists of 5 higher level teaching assistants (HLTAs) each specialising in one of the broad four areas of need. Using data gathered through the assess - plan - do – review cycles and our referral system, HLTAs plan and deliver a variety of evidence-based interventions to students with additional needs. The interventions we offer are listed on the waves of intervention model document above. A more detailed summary of all our intervention packages can be requested by contacting the SENDCO.

The Hive Provision for students with autism

This is a bespoke and specialist resourced provision tailored to the individual needs of students on the autistic spectrum. Places in this provision are allocated by the local authority and are only for students with an EHCP and diagnosis of autism. Please contact the school directly if you would like any further information.

The Orchard

A specialist provision for a small number of Year 7 students which aims to ‘bridge the gap’ between primary and secondary school. Students in our orchard provision spend the majority of their time here rather than in mainstream lessons, being taught by a fully qualified, specialist teacher. They follow the national curriculum but benefit from high levels of adaptation, a small nurturing environment and intensive literacy support. This provision is allocated based on needs identified through KS2 data and internal assessment processes.

Accessibility Plan

Our aim is to ensure that we meet our legislative requirements and understand our obligations and duties, so that our building is physically accessible to pupils and adults who have additional physical needs.

Our school building is relatively new and has been designed and built with key regulations in mind. We aim to make this space welcoming and friendly, encouraging pupils to engage with school.

Click here to read the full Accessibility Plan (SEN information)

Access Arrangements in Assessments and Examinations

The purpose of access arrangements is to enable students who struggle to access exam texts to sit exams. The Academy always follows the recommendations of the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) and employs a member of staff who is fully trained.

It is important to note that, while the Academy takes requests from students, parents and teachers for Access Arrangement assessments, it is bound by legal guidelines and works within the parameters of what the JCQ allows.

Access Arrangements and the use of word processors and scribes in Assessments and Examinations


Bolton Council  SEND Local Offer - Launched 1st February 2022


Bolton's SEND Local Offer is an information hub for young people, parents/carers and practitioners detailing SEND processes, pathways, services and provision available across education, health and social care.

Developed based on feedback from families, the Local Offer is also a place where service users can share their views and help shape the future of Bolton's SEND provision.