Teaching and Learning
At Bolton St Catherine’s Academy we believe that learning is the key that opens the door to a whole life of opportunities and lift in all its fullness.
Together. we continually strive for excellent teaching which inspires, motivated and engaged learning.
As such, we acknowledge that we are all learners, and seek to constantly refine our practice in order to better meet the needs of our learners.
BSCA Excellent Teaching Model
The Core
At its core is the powerful knowledge as defined by our knowledge curriculum. We are ambitious about what all students should learn, and place knowledge at the heart of what we deliver, driving our pedagogy and how we structure lessons and sequences of lessons to embed the substantive, procedural ad disciplinary knowledge defined in the curriculum.
Teacher Activities
Building on the curriculum are the teacher activities. The blue ring captures all the teacher activities that make up lessons and sequences of lessons and enable new knowledge to be delivered, embedded, assessed and applied. Common approaches support teachers to focus on what evidence suggests are the ‘best bets’ for learning that supports all students to learn.
Acting as the ‘brace’ to teacher activities, providing the structure and framework in which excellent teaching can flourish are the BSCA 6 Core Routines (see below for details). Well established and consistent routines enable teachers to concentrate on teaching, and student to focus their attention on learning, without other distractions. They reduce the variation between classes, establish the minimum expectation and reduce the cognitive load for teachers and children.
Teacher Knowledge
Our teachers are the experts. They should have excellent subject knowledge, and knowledge of subject specific pedagogy. Around the edge of the model are the teacher knowledges that must be constantly developed for teachers to be able to facilitate excellent learning.
BSCA-6 Core Routines