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Bolton St Catherine's Academy

Bolton St Catherine's Academy


Dress with pride

We believe that it is vital we encourage all our students to "wear their uniform with pride". It teaches them the value of looking smart and helps them gain a sense of belonging to the school community.

All Years
Branded blue jumper with logo
White polo shirt

Nursery and Reception only
May wear black jog pants

Years 1 - 6
Black tailored trousers or knee length pleated skirts
Plain black socks / opaque tights
Plain black shoes

Physical Education (PE) Kit – All Years

White polo shirt (as school uniform)
Black shorts
Black trainers/ pumps

NO earrings to be worn for PE. Children must be able take these out and put back in themselves.


Please support your child in wearing the approved uniform; instances of incorrect items being worn will be managed under our behaviour policy and the consequences described within.

Please note:

  • Earrings are limited to one pair of plain studs only - to be worn in the lobe
  • No other jewellery including rings or facial piercings
  • No makeup, including nail varnish/acrylic nails


  • Hair should be appropriately styled for school
  • Footwear – no trainers, pumps, coloured rims, coloured flashed or heels

If there are valid circumstances preventing your child from wearing full uniform, you MUST advise us via a written note as soon as possible. We wish to see all students correctly dressed and are able to consider assistance in cases of genuine hardship.

Where to Buy

Uniforms and PE kits can be bought from:

Smart Clothing - Bolton Market Complex, Bolton Town Centre

Whittakers Schoolwear - Deansgate, Bolton Town Centre


Whilst not advocating where school shoes must be purchased, all the correct shoes below are available from:

Wynsors - 224 Blackburn Road, or online at

Little Wanderers144-146 Tonge Moor Road, Bolton, BL2 2DP


Need help with school uniform?

BSCA can support individual requests for assistance. Please contact Bolton Council via the following link: Free school meals and help with school uniform – Bolton Council